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  • What I've learned from the professional certificate in public management.

  • Kort opsommende opmerkings oor Charles Swindoll se boek

  • Grace upon grace!

  • How many people have a very skewed idea of God

| Teologie

The Doctrine of Atonement & Reconciliation

Increasingly people are doubting whether the Reformed doctrine of reconciliation really capture the modern thought of reconciliation between God and man - the so called doctrine of atonement like Tony Jones, Rob Bell, Brian McClaren, and others. Tony Jones for example, has written a book; a Better Atonement in which he discuss 8 models of reconciliation. I will later discuss his models in a blog, but for now, I want to dust off the dust from my Dogmatics handbooks and revisit the Reformed doctrine of reconciliation.

| Genealogie

Genealogie van die Pienaars in Suid-Afrika

We are descendants of Jacques Pinard who arrived in South Africa in 1688 on the Voorschoten.  A Family Tree is available here.

| Teologie

Inhoud van my geloof

It is so easy to say "I believe". The real question however is; what do you actually believe? What is the content of your faith? In a post-modernistic and information age, coupled with more and more people who feel that their faith has reached a stage where the traditional confessions might not fully express their believes, it might just be a valuable exercise to sit down and really think about the content of your own belief system.  (English version)

| Teologie

I believe

It is so easy to say "I believe". The real question however is; what do you actually believe? What is the content of your faith? In a post-modernistic and information age, coupled with more and more people who feel that their faith has reached a stage where the traditional confessions might not fully express their believes, it might just be a valuable exercise to sit down and really think about the content of your own belief system.

| Teologie

Sewe kruis woorde van Jesus

Die sewe kruiswoorde van Jesus is deur die eeue gebruik deur gelowiges om tydens Lydenstyd die kruisiging van Jesus te oordink.  Wat sê die kruiswoorde?

| Teologie

Om te glo in die opstanding van Jesus Christus

Hoekom kan ons nog glo in die Opstanding van Christus? Sir Lionel Luckhoo (wat bekendheid verwerf het vir sy Guinness Book of World Records 245 opeenvolgende moord-verhoor oorwinnings) gebruik sy jarelange ondervinding en skynbare uitstekende advokaats-vermoë om die saak van Christus se opstanding ongetywfeld te bevestig.

| Teologie

Genade en die gans andere God

Ek wil iets oorkom as ek hoor iemand praat van God as “die ou man daarbo“… so asof God deterministies die skepping “gestart” het en nou, soos ‘n afgetrede ou man maar net sit en kyk hoe hierdie “bal hardloop”; asof Hy niks meer kan doen aan die gang van Sy skepping nie. Hierdie soort beelde oor God gaan gewoonlik ook saam met ‘n beeld van God as ‘n polisieman, as ‘n pretbederwer; iemand wat met ‘n wakende oog oor ons wag hou … net om ons te “zap” as ons iets verkeerd gedoen het.

| Teologie

God en die lewe

In aansluiting by ‘n vorige blog oor ons konsep oor God, of Vader-begrip… Hierdie is ‘n verdere aflewering van my notas op die boekie wat ek tans lees; om uit Genade te leef deur Malan Nel.

| Teologie

Selfverwyt, Self-vergifnis en om ander te vergewe

Malan Nel se boekie, Om uit Genade te Leef – is amazing en ‘n heerlike troos en seën, want sien……..ek (ons almal?) sukkel mos maar eintlik om onsself te vergewe!  Eintlik sukkel ons ook dikwels om ander te vergewe!  Ek het al gewonder hoe die twee met mekaar verband hou…..?


ADHD in Adults

Many from the older generation believed that ADHD will be outgrown during the adolescence and adult life. It is now generally accepted that ADD/ADHD is prevalent in adults (Wender, 2001; Kessler 2005, Barkley).

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Quote of the Month

"... the early Christian future hope centred firmly on resurrection."

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