Grace 102
One of the books I've read at a time when I needed to hear grace and forgiveness (especially self-forgiveness), was a local theologian's little work, "Om uit Genade te Leef" (To live by Grace) by Malan Nel. He writes in this work how he realised how many people have a very skewed idea of God, probably through legalistic and moralistic preaching or through skewed catechism. I can confirm this when reviewing some of the sermons I've heard in my life and in general, the judging tendencies of "good" Christians towards others.
My opsomming van Charles Swindoll se “Grace Awakening”. Vorige keer afgesluit met die vraag wat vryheid is? Ons is uit genade gered tot vryheid. Baie gelowiges is bang vir die Christelike vryheid omdat hulle meen dis ‘n verskoning om “mal” te gaan en net aan te hou sonde doen. In ‘n sin is hulle reg? Ware genadeverkondiging klink inderdaad of ‘n mens “sag” is rondom sonde; dit klink asof ‘n mens sê jy kan maar “mal” gaan.